Just as new moms are getting into the rhythm of parenthood, reality hits for those who work away from home and it’s time to go back. Here are strategies to help plan and manage the transition back to work with confidence. Coordinate.Schedule calls with the human resources department and y...
It’s not uncommon to have a bit of anxiety when it’s time togo back to work after maternity leave.There are a lot of changes that have taken place. New mothers are allowed to feel overwhelmed by the change in pace and/or routine that going back to work entails. Maybe your profession...
MATERNITY leavePARENTAL leaveFULL-time employmentPERSONAL development planningOFFICESReturning to work after maternity leave can be a challenging process, and this issue is prevalent across various industries, including healthcare. The UK General Medical Council conducted research in 2020 and found ...
1. I'm going back to my hometown next week.(下周我要回我的故乡。) 2. She's back to work after her maternity leave.(她产假结束后又开始工作了。) 3. Let's go back to the beginning and start over.(让我们重新开始,从头开始。) 在这些例子中,back to表示返回到某个具体的时间、地点或状态...
But, your excitement can quickly change to worry when you look at your parental leave benefits. The last thing you want to be thinking about is going back to work after maternity leave. Adjusting to parenthood is magical, but it's also exhausting. When you’re learning to be a parent, ...
Someone recently asked me if I could name a few of the top concerns working moms face as they get ready to go back to work after maternity leave. “A few?!” I exclaimed, and told her there were about 10,000. I then asked if she would like me to start at the top of the l...
Preparing a Smooth Transition Back to Work After Maternity Leave Returning to work after maternity leave is a huge transition that involves balancing family duties with career tasks. This period is both exciting and challenging as new mothers adjust their routines, childcare, and workplace dynamics....
To already be stressed about going back to work after maternity leave? 15 replies Isitworththinkingabout · 08/12/2023 09:54 It isn’t until July so I know I’m being a bit daft but I am a bit worried about how well my baby will settle into nursery and...
mothers have togobacktowork after theirmaternity leaveisover, so if babies are to be breastfed [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 在香港,不少母親於產假後均要上班,如果要讓嬰兒享 有較長時間的母乳餵哺,便必須顧及要工作的母親。 legco.gov.hk ...
New moms are encouraged to know their rights before heading back to work after maternity leave.Aug 29, 2023 Twitter Facebook Email Latest Videos Over 2,000 soldiers to deploy from Fort Carso... 00:202h ago Colorado bill banning "junk fees" gains initi... ...