Back to the Future: State Learning, Commitment Problems, and the Duration of Interstate Wars, 1946-1998Kwon, Bo Ram
The first thing Carlos does after breakfast is check his email. There are the usual multimedia advertisements . . ., a voice message from his tutor and an annotated copy from Jane of the first draft of their joint project. His workstation . . . connects to the academic network using the...
Experience the beloved time-travel adventure come to life on stage, as 'Back to the Future' captivates London audiences! Good to know Please note that VALUE tickets are the cheapest tickets for the day, but the seat may have restricted view. Show duration: 2 hours 40 minutes (incl. interv...
J Antimicrob Chemother (1999) E.L. Nuermberger et al. Moxifloxacin-containing Regimens of Reduced Duration Produce a Stable Cure in Murine Tuberculosis Am J Resp Crit Care Med (2004) There are more references available in the full text version of this article. ...
2. Lesson duration:40mins 3. Text analysis: This is a speech delivered by the school principal to freshmen, expressing the principal’s expectations and encouragement for the new students. This article mainly focuses on ...
factory Future.delayed(Duration duration, [FutureOr<T> computation()?]) { if (computation == null && !typeAcceptsNull<T>()) { throw ArgumentError.value( null, "computation", "The type parameter is not nullable"); } _Future<T> result = new _Future<T>(); ...
Successful formulations of DEs and botanicals for the control of storage pests may be expected soon, but further testing is required to determine the duration of efficacy, cost of formulations, testing for their effect on non-target organisms, human safety, and effects on end-use quality....
Firstly, the sleep duration in the first half of the night was shortened from the previous 6 h to 4.5 h of sleep. The reduction of sleep duration until the WBTB intervention could lead to circadian and homeostatic differences that we did not measure in our study. In a similar sleep laborat...
What Are the Different Types of Cash Back Credit Cards? You can choose from three types of cash back credit cards: flat rate, tiered and rotating category. Here's what you need to know about each: Flat-rate Cash Back Cards These are some of the easiest credit cards to use and my ...
host recovery data so that multiple shadow copies are available. Each of these shadow copies provides a separate recovery. VSS recovery points are stored on the MABS server. The temporary copy that's made on the server running Hyper-V is only stored for the duration of the MABS ...