While real time-travel is obviously not happening anytime soon, with thisBack to the Future themed alarm clock,you can go to the future in seven hour eight hour increments by going to sleep. Great Scott! [CrossleyAcoustics] spent the past few months designing and building this movie-prop wo...
He calledbackto her. 他转身叫她。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Meanwhile,backin London, Palace Pictures was collapsing... 与此同时,伦敦的皇宫影业公司也正在分崩离析。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Later,backat home, the telephone rang. 随后,家里的电话响了。
I'd have loved to clean the entire city square instead of delving deep into the clocktower. You don't even full clean the clock tower on the inside, just the top room... This DLC pack is easily the worst one and the only one I'd absolutely not recommend unle...
But Marty reveals how Doc got the bump on his head, which convinces the eccentric scientist that the boy is telling the truth. He helps Marty make a plan to get back to the future, but first he tells Marty they must repair the relationship between his parents, lest Marty never exist. M...
MARTY is at the pencil sharpener in the back, sharpening a pencil...but the look on his face indicates he*s up to something. He looks at the clock, looks up at the SPRINKLER PIPE, then glances toward the front of the room. MR. STRICKLAND sits at the teacher*s desk, grading a ...
整句翻译1) No one is to leave the building.2) You are to be back by 10 o'clock.3) If you are to see him, you must come early.4) You are not to smoke in this room.5) Such books are to be found in the library.练改错:6) Attention please! The concert is about to start ...
1646. Later in the film, we’ll discover that this building is actually the garage of the Doc’s original mansion (located at 1640), which a newspaper article in the opening scene told us had been burned down and the land sold off – to be replaced with the Burger King that we see ...
Fortunately, there are some actions you can take to “turn back the clock” and mitigate the damage that the stressors are leaving in their wake. Here are some “anti-aging” strategies that will contribute to your overall well-being: Volunteer for a cause you ca...
Or learn a new sport—working out and exercising positively affect the brain by increasing blood flow, generating endorphins, and building new pathways between neurons. You’re only as old as you feel, and if you’re exposing yourself to stress and trauma-inducing stim...
theatrical presentation that got people into the theatre, especially those who may not be regular theatre goers, and could serve as a prelude for future theatre patrons to seek other more profound theatrical experiences. Doc Brown (Don Stephenson) at the Clock Tower to help Mart...