CMYK 注:这些模板只能使用adobephotoshopcs2或更高版本进行编辑。 已经注册过?去登录 点击下载VIP专享设计资源 微海报 文件信息 名称:重返校园系列派对宣传海报模板 Back To School Party Flyer 格式:PSD,JPG 大小:67.52 MB 版权:仅供参考学习,请勿直接商用
Get ready for Back to School with our Back to School Party Flyer! This flyer uses multiple textures and colors for a crafty feel.
复学宣传单/复学海报设计: Psd文件,兼容版本CS 5+ 尺寸:8.27×11.69英寸,预留出血位 分辨率:300 Dpi/CMYK 可编辑的字体/文本 易于更改颜色 组织良好的图层设计
Your back-to-school sale helps parents save money on essential school supplies, so now is the time to advertise in a major way using this attractive flyer.
Everybody loves their school & college day and always thinking about get together in school . Free Back to School Flyer PSD based on the " Back to School concept . You can also download the school invitation card from the following link. Wish you Happy R
特点: Adobe Photoshop(PSD) 1个独特的PSD模板 尺寸:8.5x11.9英寸,预留出血位 通过色板一键更改颜色 完全可定制,可编辑。 CMYK色彩模式 300 DPI 使用免费字体 帮助文件中包含下载字体的链接 注意:文件中不包含示例照片
Host a back to school pool party so kids can cool off before they go back to class. Location: Your pool, a family’s pool, or a local community or school pool. Invitation: Use a pool party-themed invitation to let everyone know about the main event. Use the Guest Questions section ...
Let your community know about the Back to School events going on at your church with this Back To School Chalkboard Art Church Flyer. Fonts used: Nexa Rust Slab, Have Heart Two Properties Audience Church Media Media Type print CATEGORY Flyers Keywords artassetsback to schoolchalkchalkboardchi...
The City High-Flyer Who Went Back to SchoolRead the full-text online article and more details about "The City High-Flyer Who Went Back to School" by Baker, Martin - The Independent on Sunday (London, England), June 29, 2008By BakerMartin...
It began as a high school class project. Four years ago Peter Norton decided to build a full-scale model of a 1903 Wright glider, one of three powerless forerunners to the historic 1903 Wright Flyer, for a class project at his Glen Ellyn... A Kepler - 《Midwest Engineer》 被引量: 0...