This month, get back-to-school health and safety tips from Dr. Arthur Lavin, board-certified pediatrician. Plus, you can always hear more from Dr. Lavin on the ParentTalk Podcast. When I was a kid, I thought half the year was school and half the year was summer. Too bad that never...
Back-to-school time also means cold and flu season, so in addition to immunizations, this is the perfect time to encourage proper hygiene with your child.Effective handwashingcan prevent the spread of germs and decrease the risk of getting sick. Remind them of the best times to wash their ...
The article offers various healthy tips for the children after school hours for their mental and physical fitness and activeness. It includes routine physical activity, less consumption of sugar beverages and eating of atleast five fruit in a...
Back to school: 6 tips for parents August 9, 2024 8 minutes Personal Health The marching bands are practicing, school supplies are invading your home (and pillaging your bank account), and back to school night is right around the corner. Back to school is exciting, but it can also be ...
SATURDAY, Aug. 3, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- As kids and teens prepare to head back to school, parents might not have protecting their child's lung health on the top of their to-do lists. But experts say it should be. “A new school year often means a new environment for stude...
For parents, “back-to-school” can often feel like “back-to-germs.” Thankfully, a few small changes to your daily routine can help support your child’s immune system and make a big difference to their health. Prepare a healthy breakfast ...
Three key pieces of advice to keep your mental health and wellbeing strong for your upcoming semester! It's hard to believe it’s that time of year again! Where did the summer go?Whether it's your final year of high school or your first year of university or college, back-to-school ...
(RxWiki News) Summer is more than halfway over, and that means another school year is approaching. How should you prepare your kids for school? Here are some important health issues to be aware of as you get your children school-ready. ...
millions of children are headed back to school. In addition to getting new books and school supplies, preparing your kitchen with nutritious foods is also important to their learning. Research shows eating a healthy diet is key to a child’s development, school performance, and overall health. ...
"Getting enough sleep, getting enough nutritious food, and drinking enough water are huge boosters for their immune system. Rest is particularly difficult when kids are starting back to school, but it's the most important part of staying healthy," Mortensen stressed. ...