“One of the most common violations we see is drivers failing to stop for school buses, as well as speeding,” said Constable Patrick Depratto of the CPS Traffic Unit. “Officers will have a zero tolerance approach for these infractions. The safety of our students is a priority, and we ...
Last week, Part 1 of this year’s scan provided an overview of some of the many election-related education stories that have appeared in the press as students return to school Politics, Policies, and Polarization: Scanning the 2024-25 Back-To-School Headlines in the US (Part 1). Back-to...
"We fought very hard for this moment, because we felt like it was very important," Mayor Lori Lightfoot said as she visited Whitney Young Magnet High School on Monday afternoon with CPS Chief Executive Officer Janice Jackson. The mayor said it was encouraging to see CPS high ...
What if no child were left behind? A back-to-school wish list for CPSAnderson, Veronica
A visit to the places where he had lived and worked during his youth brought back many fond memories.他重游自己青年时代曾经工作和学习过的地方时不禁回忆起许多美好的 Thought of the interview filled me with fear.一想到面试,我就担心害怕。
The article offers suggestions to be followed by parents whose children are going to attend Chicago, Illinois-based school district Chicago Public Schools (CPS) on August 26, 2013. It mentions that children should be vaccinated for several viral and bacterial diseases such as tetanus, pertussis and...
Back to School Night. Some of us love it and some of us are not as fond of this tradition. Ensuring that the evening is worthwhile can be accomplished with just a few helpful wise moves, and by knowing which common pitfalls to avoid.
It aims to start with rides for about 1,000 students by the end of the school year. It’s not enough to make up for the lost service, said Erin Rose Schubert, a volunteer for the CPS Parents for Buses advocacy group. “The people who had the money and the privilege were able to ...
“It’s an opportunity for kids to not be late to school,” 15-year-old Takia Phillips said on a recent PiggyBack ride with El-Amin as the driver. The company has arranged a few hundred rides in its first year operating in Chicago, and El-Amin has been contacting drivers for possib...
Back 2 Basics is an early childhood educational consulting company servicing Prek-3rd grade school districts, administrators, educators, child parent centers, agencies, and families.