the team are eager to push for results in front of an expectant crowd. But instead of the warm welcome on home turf, disaster strikes the first morning of the race.
So far today, I have received 39 pieces of personal hate mail of varying degrees of literacy, all because I was rude to a cracker. Four of them have included death threats, a personal one day record. Thirty-four of them have demanded that I be fired.
My new single is called ‘Hard’. “It’s a love song and the first straight up song I’ve released. It’s about trying to make it work out but it’s just not destined to be, though everything’s going to work out, one way or the other, in the end. Sometimes, especially women...
The glossy US soap aired over 200 episodes in Blighty between March 1997 and February 2000. Who wouldn't want to see some classic episodes given another outing? View full post on Youtube Which Channel 5 classics should be revived? Should they give The Bachelor another go? Or tug The Farm...