back to back a. 1.背靠背的 2.连续的;一个接一个的 n. 1.连排式房屋(侧面和背面相连接) pull broaching 牵引拉削 最新单词 chain operation system是什么意思 连锁运作体系 chain of stirred tanks怎么翻译及发音 串联搅拌釜 chain of simplices是什么意思 单形链 chain of relays的中文释义 继电器群...
This is because of the other main way "pull back" is used, which is to ease up, to slowly let off on the gas, to slow down, to start to retreat, to reduce power slowly, to reduce speed (smoothly/gradually), to give it some space or distance (do not crowd it or get too close...
pullback的四种意思分别是撤退、拉回、缩减和退出。以下是对这四种意思的详细解释: 一、撤退 在军事或战略语境中,pullback常指军队或人员从某个位置或前线撤退,以重新部署、集结或避免进一步冲突。这种撤退可能是出于战术考虑,如为了保存实力、避免包围或寻找更有利的战斗位置。撤退...
Pull back是一个常用的英语词汇,它的意思是“撤回”或“缩回”。在不同的场景中,这个词可以有不同的用法。比如,在商务英语中,它可以表示收回一个提议或撤回一份合同。在军事英语中,它可以表示撤退或退却。在摄影中,pull back意味着“远景照片”,即你离被摄物体远一些,用更广角度的空间去拍摄...
It will never be to pull back up to a higher standard. 向上撤回到更高的标准决不是容易的. 互联网 Thus we would a pull back as a buying opportunity. 因此我们会把回调视为买入机会. 互联网 Pull back the tree and shoot me into the pond. ...
Define pullback. pullback synonyms, pullback pronunciation, pullback translation, English dictionary definition of pullback. n. 1. The act or process of pulling back, especially an orderly troop withdrawal. 2. A device for holding or drawing back: a pull
But even a gradualpullbackcould have big repercussions. 但即便是逐步撤出也会产生重大影响. 期刊摘选 展开全部 英英释义 Noun 1. a device (as a decorative loop of cord or fabric) for holding or drawing something back; "the draperies were drawn to the sides by pullbacks" ...
back to back a. 1.背靠背的 2.连续的;一个接一个的 n. 1.连排式房屋(侧面和背面相连接) pull(action)fuze 拉发引信 最新单词 Bryopsidaceae怎么翻译及发音 羽藻科 Bryopsida怎么翻译及发音 藓纲; 藓纲 bryophyte是什么意思 n. 苔藓类的植物 Bryophyta的意思 苔癣植物门; 苔藓植物门 bryony的中文...
1 【解析】1、以正向胯下运球来完成Pull back然后投射三分是纳什的最常见的进攻选择,尤其在凤凰城时最为疯狂。先剖解下正向胯下运球切换球的过程,正向胯下运球切换球的急刹脚为交叉脚,即右手控球就用左脚作为急刹脚,与背后运球切换球的差异在于,其重心完全落于前脚(急刹脚)上,由单脚完成重心转移、稳定...
pull back 中文意思:拉回; 撤回;(使)(某人,尤指一组士兵)撤出阵地 读音:英 [pul bæk] 美 [pʊl bæk]用法示例如下:1、The four grey horses took them back to the castle.四匹灰马把他们拉回城堡。2、The platoon pulled back to safety.这一排士兵撤回...