人工椎间盘置换术目的在于维持椎间盘高度,保留正常椎间盘所具有的生理活动。本视频逐步展示有关椎间盘置换的知识。 Total Disc Replacement Back Surgery 人工腰椎间盘置换术 Overview(概述) One goal of this procedure is to relieve the pain caused by pinche nerves or discogenic pain in the lumbar spine ...
Total Disc Replacement Back Surgery 人工腰椎间盘置换术 Overview(概述) One goal of this procedure is to relieve the pain caused by pinche nerves or discogenic pain in the lumbar spine by replacing a diseased or damaged disc with specialized metal and polyethylene implants. 该手术的目的之一是使用...
中英文字幕:脊柱后外侧融合术(Posterolateral Gutter Fusion Surgery) 中英文字幕:人工腰椎间盘置换术(Total Disc Replacement Back Surgery) 中英文字幕:神经痛-周围神经病变(Neuralgia-peripheral Neuropathy) 中英文字幕:脊椎病(Spondylosis) 中英文字幕:椎间盘突出(...
Total Disc Replacement in the Failed Back Surgery Patient: Analysis of Prospective, Randomized and Continued Access Cohorts - The Spine Journal
Back Surgery Cervical Disc Replacement Surgery Video Cervical Facet Joint Arthropathy Cervical Laminectomy Video How to Prep Your Home for Spine Surgery Recovery Video Lumbar Laminectomy Surgery Video Lumbar Microdiscectomy Surgery Video Posterolateral Gutter Fusion Surgery Video Vertebroplasty Procedure Video Vi...
microdiscectomy. Microdiscectomy is performed with an operating microscope through a smaller incision than open discectomy and has become the standard surgical procedure for lumbar disc herniation. Sometimes a diskectomy is part of a larger surgery that includes laminectomy, foraminotomy, or spinal ...
If you suffer low back pain due to degenerative disc disease or bulging disc, the Center for Disc Replacement offers artificial disc replacement surgery in Texas.
Spinal fusion has been recognized as one of the more expensive surgical procedures. The second study looked at costs and is believed to be the first to compare those of three-level disc replacement with three-level fusion. It evaluated itemized billing records of 53 patients undergoing surgery fo...
Dr. Brent Kimball is a surgeon leader in the artificial disc replacement space and is committed to making sure that patients understand all of their options when it comes to their spine and spine surgery. Fusion is not always the only option.
Texas Back Institute, a leader in spine care, offers advanced treatments like minimally invasive spinal surgery and total disc replacement to help patients regain their quality of life.