(Knitting & Sewing) a strong sewing stitch made by starting the next stitch at the middle or beginning of the preceding one vb (Knitting & Sewing) to sew using this stitch Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998,...
Knitchel Knitchet knits Knitster knitted knitter knitting knitting machine knitting needle knitting pattern Knitting sheath knitting stitch knittle knitwear knitwork knives knob knob celery Knob latch knobbed knobber knobbiness Knobbing knobble ▼
The limitation of this stitch is that you can’t easily alternate it in the row with knitting, like to do ribbing. This may look like “Left Handed Knitting,” but you wrap the yarn the other way for that method. Category: purl stitch...
sock. They're great for these things. I think the fact that they're bamboo is crucial, since my metal pair would just slide right out. I usually keep at least two of the needles in my little knitting tools bag, along with my tiny scizzors, stitch holders and markers, tape measure, ...
To begin a knit in the front and back increase (KFB knitting) you simply make aknit stitchbut don't slide the stitch off the left-hand needle. Sarah White Knit the Second Stitch You now have one stitch on the right-hand needle and the old stitch still on the left-hand needle. ...
钩针 1. Reverse design used in crochet cam contour curve of warp-knitting machine based on MatLab; 基于MatLab的经编机钩针凸轮轮廓曲线反求设计 更多例句>> 6) needle hook 针钩 例句>> 补充资料:八倒──凡小八倒 【八倒──凡小八倒】 ﹝出涅槃经﹞ 凡即凡夫,小即小乘。倒即颠倒。谓凡夫著有...
A method for using a two-needle bar flat knitting machine to weave 1*1 rib stitch fabric capable of being directly worn without tailoring and sewing processes belongs to weaving methods in flat knitting machines. According to the method,... 金永良,兰先川,杨垒 被引量: 0发表: 2014年 This in...
in a knitting width direction; step S3 of returning the first turn-back point stitch 18 transferred to the empty needle to a knitting needle of an opposite needle bed; and step S4 of forming a stitch 12 ON the stitch 11 at the dead end of the first forward knitting to perform the ...
It takes a few minutes to get your mind used to knitting through the back of the stitch, it will probably feel a little alien at first, but it’s a technique worth learning and keeping in your knitting arsenal so that when you do run across it, you know what to do!
During her years in 4-H, she won blue ribbons in knitting and baking, and was able to use those same skills to earn several Girl Scout badges. After becoming a mother, Julia’s creative talents were used to make one of a kind Halloween outfits, and personalized Valentines for her ...