Your doctor will probably be able to tell if you have a pulled trapezius muscle based on your symptoms, your medical history, and a physical exam. If you have a grade III strain, your doctor may be able to feel where the muscle has ripped completely apart. You may need an X-ray to ...
A back sprain or strain can occur when you lift too much weight, play a strenuous sport, or even bend or twist improperly during the course of a regular day. Whether it’s a sprain or a strain, the result is the same: Soft tissues become inflamed and cause pain, and often muscle spa...
Our best pain management specialists NJ & NY at The Spine & Rehab Group offer effective non-surgical treatment methods to help patients find relief from chronic pain conditions.
View moretreatment options How can I manage my symptoms? Restas directed. You may need to rest in bed for a period of time after your injury. Do not lift heavy objects. Apply iceon your back for 15 to 20 minutes every hour or as directed. Use an ice pack, or put crushed ice in ...
This condition, which usually results from a spinal cord injury, can lead to symptoms like excessive sweating and high blood pressure. Back Pain What’s Causing Your Lower Back Pain? Medically Reviewed: Andrea Eisenberg, M.D. For women, everything from your menstrual cycle to a ligament strain...
Symptoms If you pull a back muscle, it can feel differently depending on where the injury is. The spine is divided into three major sections: the neck (cervical spine), upper back and shoulders (thoracic spine), and lower back (lumbar spine). ...
Home Symptoms Back Pain Lakeview Chicago IL Back Pain Treatment Lakeview Chicago IL An auto accident may produce lower back pain, depending on the angle in which the vehicle was struck by another car. In severe auto accidents, lower back pain may be caused by sore or sprain muscles in the ...
Most athletic injuries to the back are sprains of the ligaments or strains of the muscles surrounding the spine. Serious conditions or complications can have similar symptoms to those of a routine sprain or strain. The most common sports injuries occur after repetitive overuse of the spine either...
With the effects of promoting blood circulation, alleviating inflammation, relieving pain and expanding blood vessel, it is indicated for the treatment of rheumatic arthralgia sprain and other pains caused by cold and dampness. [Usage & Dosage] Apply it on the ...
Symptoms of lumbar muscle strain include sudden onset of pain, localized pain that does not radiate into the leg, and tenderness in the lower back. 腰部肌肉扭伤的症状包括突然出现的疼痛,局部疼痛不向下肢放射,腰部压痛。 Muscle strain can by accompa...