From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishmy head/back etc is killing mespokenused to say that a part of yourbodyishurtingalotI’ve walked miles and my feet are killing me.→kill Pictures of the day What are these? Click on the pictures to check....
Sex is supposed to be pleasurable for both of you and the fear of hurting yourself or your partner inhibits the spontaneous joy that you probably felt before your back pain developed. But what can you do about it? Most couples in which one or the other is restricted by back pain will ...
slide back vi + adv (move continuously backward)滑回small of your back n (lower part of the back)腰骶部;腰背部She was hurting in the small of her back, just above the tailbone.snap back vi + adv (reply sharply)犀利反驳Larry snapped at Karen, so she snapped back.snap back vi + ...
Besides, I might end up hurting someone when I throw it back.Maybe I’ll call the school and let them know. The student(s) responsible need to know that they might end up hurting someone if they keep throwing their waste. What’s more, waste belongs in the bin, not anywhere else.【...
Pressure that feels as if it is building in the back, head, or neck Excruciating back pain Dizziness Sudden loss of consciousness Loss of feeling in extremities Loss of bladder or bowel control Extreme clumsiness or weakness, or loss of movement in any body part ...
It’s kind of hard to shut off that voice from my brain when it’s waking me up at that hour. When it’s shouting at me so hotly, hurting my ears. Still, I ignore her because I’m genuinely tired; I put my son to bed almost at 2 AM and managed to fall asleep at 4:30. ...
If you have a fall, you lose your balance and drop on to the ground, hurting yourself. He had a bad fall and was taken to hospital. In American English, fall is the season between summer and winter. In the fall, I love going to Vermont. British speakers call this season autumn. ...
词汇 my head/back etc is killing me 释义 my head/back etc is killing memy head/back etc is killing me spokenPAIN used to say that a part of your body is hurting a lot 我的头/背等痛得要命 I’ve walked miles and my feet are killing me. 我走了很远的路,脚痛得要命。 → my ...
He asked again, but again I gently shook my head. He finally said, “ Madam, you need ___. A tow truck in Houston will arrive anywhere between 45 minutes and approximately ___ (which I knew was true), and you aren’t going anywhere until you have the tire ___.”I looked hard,...
Also,bet on the wrong horse. Guess wrongly or misjudge a future outcome, as inJones garnered only a few hundred votes; we obviously backed the wrong horse, orCounting on the price of IBM to rise sharply was betting on the wrong horse. Transferred from wagering money on a horse that fai...