The evidence base for the rational use of injections for back pain is vestigial. The treatment of back pain must be seen in the light of other factors that influence its occurrence and prognosis. Patients with psychological distress or illness behaviour may have unrealistic expectations of treatment...
Spine-health's video library offers a full range of in-depth videos on back pain and neck pain that are reviewed and approved by members of Spine-health’s Medical Advisory Board.
Trigger point injections are a common procedure used to treat myofascial pain in the back. To learn more about this condition, request a consultation.
Facet joint injections and medial branch blocks are performed to diagnose and treat back pain that comes from the spinal facet joints. Facet joint pain is usually pain in the middle of the spine that can radiate down the legs to the knees, and sometimes to the calves (or radiate from the...
An audit was conducted to determine if epidural injections for back pain and sciatica were practised in accordance with guidelines prescribed by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). More than 80% of injections were used for conditions for which they were not indicated, and whi...
Injections for Back Pain Relief Learn what back pain problems injections can help treat and their side effects. The Pros and Cons of Back Surgery Learn about the risks and benefits of various types of back surgery. FEATURED Five Stretches for Back PainLearn key back stretches that can ease you...
Injections If simpler therapies and medications aren't helping, your doctor may recommend injections to the back. One procedure, called a nerve root block, targets irritated nerves. Injections for back pain usually contain steroid medication.
Low back pain is a distinctly different condition from lumbar radicular pain (sometimes called "sciatica"). Radicular pain is lancinating pain that travels into the lower limb along a narrow band [1]. It is caused by disc herniation, foraminal stenosis, lateral recess stenosis, or other space...
Corticosteroids (sometimes called glucocorticoids) produce potent anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant effects that reduce pain and discomfort caused by inflammation of the spinal nerves, such as from herniated discs or spinal arthritis.20 Epidural steroid injections for back pain An epidural steroid injec...
SI Joint Injections Botox for Back Pain Myobloc for Back Pain Nerve Blocks Trigger point injection Stress management Posture WEIGHT LOSS Spine Surgery KYPHOPLASTY The Operating Room Non-Traditional Treatment BACK PAIN Acupuncture Bodywork/ massage