22. Sweet, William, "Sarnoff Center Girds Loins for Global Competition in HDTV," Physics Today, June 1989, pp. 63-65. Weinberg, Neil, "Back from the Brink," Forbes, June 19, 1995, p. 16.User Contributions: Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this ...
I think both MCs had the space cheat as well. I'm a pretty big fan of the MC here, though he's not that smart as I would usually like, likely due to his previous life's total uselessness. He's definitely grown up and matured a lot from his past life, but there's not much ...
Brink was an interesting little game that attempted to change the rules of the first-person shooter genre. Unfortunately, it released with quite a few issues that tainted the experience for many. For example, online play was extremely laggy, there was a lot of texture pop-in, the level cap...
Electroencephalograms (EEGs) display a mixture of rhythmic and broadband fluctuations, the latter manifesting as an apparent 1/f spectral trend. While network oscillations are known to generate rhythmic EEG, the neural basis of broadband EEG remains unex
The early returns? Solid. Benefiting from an in-huddle microphone, Hasselbeck often translated for the audience what play was about to happen, like Tony Romo but with a cheat sheet. Hasselbeck offers the desired "recently retired QB" perspective to the broadcast like Romo did and Jay Cutler ...
In light of this data, retaining customers on the brink of attrition is critical for your business’ growth, revenue, and longevity. But it’s challenging to stop a customer from leaving if you don’t know what’s making them leave your business in the first place. Most software customer ...