Powder TechnologyMoreira, R M, de Castro, J O N and Gardner, R P, 1972. A combined tracer and back calculation method for determining particulate breakage functions in ball milling. Part II. Application to hematite ore in a batch laboratory mill, Powd Technol, 6:75 - 83....
An improved backcalculation method to predict flexible pavement layers moduli and bonding condition between wearing course and base course. The aim of this research project is to develop an improved backcalculation procedure, for the determination of flexible pavement properties from the Fallin... B ...
Method 1中的结论是,我们应该有一个step乘以的应该是一个关于输入值的函数。也就是我们需要知道在输入...
Because of the long and variable incubation time, the assessment of its distribution is uncertain and this uncertainty spreads through the back-calculation method and affects the estimation of the precision of incidence of HIV infection. We propose a method to investigate the sensitivity of the ...
Start by identifying a gap or a specific need within your industry that can be addressed with a tool. Maybe you can simplify a complex calculation. Perhaps you can automate a tedious process. Or you can help someone visualize complex data. ...
List of traits for the CalculationSearchDateType attribute are listed below. is.dataFormat.character is.dataFormat.big is.dataFormat.array is.nullable The attribute value may be set to NULL. is.dataFormat.character is.dataFormat.array SalesCumu...
Method 1 第一个方法是很直观的,我们就随机的给输入a,b的两个值添加一个随机值,然后用一个步长step来控制增加的程度,用python代码实现: import random def product(a, b): return a * b def methodOne(): a = 5 b = 6 step = 0.01 a = a + step * (random.random()) b = b + step * (...
For the online calculation of the feedback feature during NF training, an infinite impulse response (IIR) Butterworth bandpass filter (8–12 Hz, 3rd order) was applied. The root mean square (RMS) of the resulting signal with an epoch size of 0.25 s was computed to obtain the alpha...
algorithmaleallpreforablebackcalculationalgorithms. Keywords:landslide;transmittingcoefficientmethod;backcalculationforslidefaceparameters 1 引 言 在滑坡治理工程中,确定滑动面的抗剪强度指 标是极为关键的步骤,因为抗剪强度指标直接关系 到滑坡推力及滑坡治理工程量的大小,也间接影响 着滑坡治理方案的选择。在工程中,...
{ current = lastlast + last; }// Introduce some delay to simulate a more complicated calculation.System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); AppendNumber(current); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress((100* i) / requestedCount,"Working...");// Get ready for the next iteration.lastlast = last; last =...