<buttonclass="bg-blue-500md:bg-green-500...">Button</button> For more information about Tailwind’s responsive design features, check out theResponsive Designdocumentation. Hover To control the background color of an element on hover, add thehover:prefix to any existing background color utility...
Small Nit: When you click the button, a small black border appears around the button for a second. If you could remove this by implementing the following tailwind styling in the Back and Next buttons: focus:tw-border-0 This will remove the little black box that appears around the button!
<buttonclass="py-2 px-4 font-semibold rounded-lg shadow-md text-white bg-green-500 hover:bg-green-700"> Click me </button> <!-- Extracting classes using @apply --> <buttonclass="btn btn-green"> Button </button> <style> .btn{ @applypy-2px-4font-semiboldrounded-lgshadow-md; } ...
背景颜色(color) 语法: background-color:颜色值; 默认的值是 transparent 透明的 背景图片(image...
<p>在这里,我们使用Tailwind CSS来实现深色模式。</p> <!-- 使用'dark:'前缀来为深色模式指定不同的类 --> <button class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white p-2 rounded dark:bg-blue-700 dark:hover:bg-blue-800"> 点击切换深色模式 ...
To apply a Tailwind background color to an element, you can use the bg-{color} utility class, where {color} represents the desired color. Tailwind CSS provides a wide range of color options that you can use out of the box. htmlCopy <button class="bg-blue-500... ">element has a bl...
Early in v4 development we decided to give all form controls a transparent background, but in v3 we only did this for button elements. This PR reverts that decision to make things consistent with v3, as we've noticed this is something that tends to break for people when upgrading from v3...
className="w-full rounded-full p-2 xl:p-4 pl-5 xl:pl-10 text-base xl:text-3xl text-blue-800 font-bold active:rounded-full "value={city}type="text"onChange={handleChange}/></Typed></div><div><button className="p-1 m-auto p-auto"onClick={()=>handleSubmit()}><div className=...
Firstly, we will select the color containers using theirclass="button"and the body element on which the color is going to be added using query selectors. buttons=document.querySelectorAll(".button");body=document.querySelector("body"); ...
<el-button size="mini" disabled>批量申请备货</el-button> <div> <el-button type="text" style="color:#0071F3;">JIT转备货操作指南</el-button> <el-button type="text" style="color:#0071F3;">高级排序</el-button> </div> </div> <el-table size="mini" ref="tableRef" border...