1. Locate the AF-ON Button. Most DSLRs and mirrorless cameras feature a dedicated AF-ON button on the back of the camera body (this may also be labeled AE-L/AF-L), typically positioned near the thumb rest. This will become your new focus button once the steps below are completed. Lo...
后键对焦 (Back Button Focusing)怎么用 对于绝大部分同学来说,对焦时也会用上「半按快门」的动作,这个方法基本上很实用,能够把对焦到释放快门的功能放到同一颗按钮上,令拍摄更快速方便,但在一些时候半按快门来对焦并不适合,因此便有了「后键对焦」(Back Button Focusing) 这个功能了!今天便让我们学习一下这个专...
Term: Back Button Focus Description: A technique in photography where the focusing function is dissociated from the shutter release button and reassigned to a dedicated button on the camera's body, typically located on the back near the thumb. This enables photographers to separate the act of ...
With focus activation removed from the shutter button, you now can fire any time you want, and remove your index finger from the shutter button after a shot is taken. No matter what, the camera makes no effort to re-focus when you press the shutter button half-way down again....
Well, turns out Back Button AF really does come in handy. It allows you to focus on one spot in the photo, recompose, and shoot – all without the need to repeat the process each time you take your finger off the shutter release. This is especially handy if the spot you want to foc...
Other Third-Parties.When you access certain features such as Facebook’s “Like” button or a single sign-on that allows you to login with your social media credentials to our online services, you will share information with the third party, such as the fact that you have visited or intera...
Our focus is to create leading consumer experiences through innovative lighting solutions with as low carbon footprint as possible. Our solutions offer a short ROI on the latest technology. Whether you need assistance with light calculations, store layouts, energy savings, or maximizing dwell time an...
適用于 UWP 的對等 WinUI 2 API:Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.NavigationView.IsBackButtonVisible (for WinUI 在Windows 應用程式 SDK中,請參閱Windows 應用程式 SDK命名空間)。 C# 複製 public NavigationViewBackButtonVisible IsBackButtonVisible { get; set; } XAML 複製 <NavigationView IsBackButtonVisible=...
, true)] public const Android.Views.MotionEventButtonState ButtonBack = 8; 欄位值 Value = 8 MotionEventButtonState 實作 ContentsFileDescriptor 屬性 RegisterAttribute ObsoleteAttribute 備註 按鈕常數:按下 [上一頁] 按鈕(滑鼠返回按鈕)。 當按下此按鈕時,系統可能會將按鍵按下傳送 KeyEvent#KEYCODE_...
RibbonButton.FocusedBackground Property Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon Assembly: System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.dll Gets or sets the brush that is used to draw the background of the control when it has focus. C# 复制 public System.Windows.Media.Brush ...