190 Chapter 7On Airtel Super Singer Junior, one of the most popular of these shows in Tamil Nadu, the judges’ comments are complemented by those of Ananth Vaidyana-than, who works behind the scenes with each contestant for months, getting them to “understand how the voice works” and bui...
can be read as a conversation between two graveyards. One, a graveyard where Anjum—born as a boy to a Muslim family in the walled city of Delhi—makes her home and gradually builds a guest house, the Jannat Guest House—the “Paradise” Guest House—and where a range of people come se...
A resolution came forth in January 1604, when James VI of Scotland started the Hampton Court Conference. It said, “That a translation be made of the whole Bible, as consonant as can be to the original Hebrew and Greek; and this to be set out and printed, without any marginal notes, a...