Most importantly, make sure your children (and everyone else in your household) get their annual flu vaccine. This is the best preventive measure you can take. Children can be vaccinated as early as 6 months of age. Some children will require more than one dose, so make sure to start ear...
Pregnancycan cause various symptoms, including abdominal bloating and back pain. Bloating mainly occurs when the uterus expands and puts pressure on the intestine. Additionally, weight gain can put pressure on the lower back, leading to pain. Some women fail to distinguish between backache, bloating...
It is reported that for almost 62% of patients with back pain, the pain comes back after one year [13]. The economic burden of back pain is estimated to be between 1% to 2% of the gross national product in Western nations [16]. For example, the economic burden of back pain in the...
“Yeah, in the beginning, the first years, I could say to the coach that I had a stomach ache and I could go home, like. I mean, I didn’t even dare to say that I was on my period. And then I came back the next day, like. But, people have always been a bit like that....
getting vaccinated. No evidence has been found that the vaccines can cause mucosal immunity, so that means that even if you’re vaccinated you could be carrying the virus and can spread it to others. ((Healthline– You Can Still Spread, Develop COVID-19 After Getting a Vaccine: What to ...
The US government wasn’t interested, but with foundation money, the team developed a vaccine that was not only effective, but also dirt cheap—costing maybe as little as a buck a shot. After viewing test results, Scientific American said it’s “perhaps one of the safest Covid-19 ...