OSA (authors of music and lyrics) OSA Czech Republic INTERGRAM(music interpreters, audio publishers, audiovisual publishers) INTERGRAM Czech Republic DILIA (literature, performing arts) DILIA Czech Republic Ochranná (fine arts, architecture, visual part of audiovisual works) Czech Republic ...
歌手:Beyoncé FIND YOUR WAY BACK - Beyoncé (碧昂丝) Lyrics by:Beyoncé/Brittany "Starrah" Hazzard/Bubele Booi/Robert Magwenzi/Abisagboola "Bankulli" Oluseun/Osabuohien Osaretin Composed by:Beyoncé/Brittany "Starrah" Hazzard/Bubele Booi/Robert Magwenzi/Abisagboola "Bankulli" Oluseun/Osabuohien ...
OSA T), whic h ex- hibit di�eren t prop erties. Ho w ev er, the curren t uncertain t y in measuremen ts (e.g. T able 1 in T rey er & Laha v 1996) do es not mak e it practical at presen t to distinguish b et w een the di�eren t bands. The formalism is k ...
komo osa nga empleyado tuguti la ako pag ankla han an akon opinion dida han kahimtang han mga empleyado han Samar apesar nga natuod ako nga labaw han ngatanan an kabug-usan han probinsya an angay tagan gud hin duon para han kaupayan han mga Samareño labi na gud hadton mga ...
In the playback menu, three interfaces were implemented: a circle mixer, stem faders and a 5 × 5 matrix with the 'variPlay' autonomous-remixing mode, and the lyrics were linked to the Home menu, rather than being an item in the mixer pages. The app also included two remixes created ...