Bacillus thuringiensis, IU/mg ≥ 16000.0 Toxic protein, % ≥ 2.0 Suspensibility, % ≥ 70.0 pH 6.0~8.0 Wet sieve test (through 75μm sieve), % ≥ 98.0 Use: Biological insecticide. Used for control of lepidopterous larvae in agriculture, horticulture and forestry. Similar specif...
Bacillus thuringiensis, abbreviated as Bt, also known as Bacillus thuringiensis, is a type of crystal-forming Bacillus that includes many varieties. The bacteria can produce two major toxoids, namely endotoxin (with crystals) and exotoxin. After the pests are fed, the bacteria release toxins, p...
产品名称: Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) ELISA Kit 产品型号: abx053110产品展商: 其它品牌产品文档: 无相关文档 简单介绍 Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) ELISA KitBacillus thuringiensis (BT) ELISA Kit 的详细介绍 Bacillus Thuringiensis ELISA Kit is an ELISA kit against Bacillus Thuringiensis. Target Bacillus...
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)This article has no abstract.doi:10.1002/9783527678679.dg00850Emma Gaalaas MullaneyDustin MulvaneyWiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Watch complete video answer for “Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) strains have been used for design” of Biology Class 12th. Get FREE solutions to all questions from chapter MICROBES IN HUMAN WELFARE.
是由昆虫病原细菌苏云金杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis)的发酵产物加工成的制剂。可制成悬浮剂和粉剂。悬浮剂呈灰色或褐色,可溶性粉剂为灰白色粉末,有发酵异臭。当营养体生长为孢子囊后,一端为卵圆形芽孢,另一端为菱形或近似正方形伴孢晶体,老熟时细胞自溶破裂,释放出芽孢和伴孢晶体。当其进入昆虫消化道后,伴孢晶体(...
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is an aerobic, spore-forming, gram-positive, rod-shaped bacterium distributed widely in the natural environment from the Arctic to the Tropics (Martin and Travers, 1989). From: Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology (Second Edition), 2001 ...
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Product Name:Bacillus thuringiensis,BT ELISA Kit Synonyms: CAS: MF: MW:0 EINECS: Mol File:Mol File Browse by Nationality Suppliers>Global suppliers Beijing (1)Shanghai (15)Guangdong (1)Fujian (2)Hubei (3)Jiangsu (5)Other (1)Member(28)All (28) ...
Product Name:Bacillus thuringiensis,BT ELISA Kit Synonyms:Bacillus thuringiensis,BT ELISA Kit CAS: MF: MW:0 EINECS: Mol File:Mol File Browse by Nationality Suppliers>Global suppliers Beijing (3)Shanghai (7)Chongqing (1)Jiangsu (2)Member(13)All (13) ...