doi:10.1007/978-3-642-69298-7_7Walter DoschBernhard MöllerSpringer-VerlagWalter Dosch , Bernhard Mller, An Algebraic Semantics for Bachus' Functional Programming Language with Infinite Objects, GI - 13. Jahrestagung, p.67-85, October 03-07, 1983...
Bachus Said Lowering Hike Plan.Bachus Said Lowering Hike Plan.Presents a draft of amendments for the deposit insurance reform bill proposed by Republican Spencer Bachus in the U.S. Reduction of coverage for municipal deposits; Implications of the amended law; Response of the insurance industry to ...
【功能主治】风搐。 方剂类型:解表剂、清热剂、泻下剂、祛风湿剂、祛湿利水剂、温里剂、理气剂、消导剂、驱虫剂、止血剂、活血剂、化痰止咳平喘剂、安神剂、熄风剂、开窍剂、补益剂、固涩剂。 方剂剂型:汤剂、丸剂、散剂、膏剂、丹剂、酒剂、药酒、冲剂、口服液剂、胶囊剂、片剂 【用法用量】每服1字,油酒调...
Bachus SA - bankrupt.EBSCO_bspSeenews Research & Profiles
Bachus Expected To Get Key Post. (cover story)The article reports on the implications of Republican Spencer Bachus' Financial Services Committee chairmanship on municipal markets in the U.S.ACKERMANANDREWEBSCO_bspBond Buyer
Republican Spencer Bachus said he plans to introduce his bill on predatory lending. The announcement was made during a speech at a conference sponsored by the U.S National Association of Federal Credit Unions. Bachus is one of the primary candidates to become House Financial Services Committee ...
Representative Spencer Bachus may be appointed to lead the U.S. House Financial Services Committee. Steps that Bachus plans on taking if appointed to this position include changing derivatives provisions which are part of the U.S. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. A ...
Bachus Is Cleared Of Insider Trading.The article states that the U.S. Office of Congressional Ethics cleared Alabama U.S. representative Spencer Bachus of allegations of stock trading based upon inside information on April 30, 2012.MulinsBrodyEBSCO_bspWall Street Journal Eastern Edition...
legislators such as House Financial Services Committee Chairman Spencer Bachus. The ethical issues related to legislators' personal securities trading such as insider trading and information asymmetry are mentioned. The allegation made in a "60 Minutes" television program report that lawmakers are ...
House Financial Services Committee member of Grand Old Party, Spencer Bachus, has declared his support for U.S. state financial privacy laws. Plans of Bachus for hearings on consumer privacy issues; Need for revision of preemption provision; Conditions laid by Congress representatives to support ...