Our bachelor’s program in business administration has been designed to provide students with hands-on experience and prepare them for the challenges they will face in their work. Practical studies constitute 60% of the study time, while theory constitutes 40% of the time spent on studies. ...
The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) can be tailored as a 4-year degree in the United States or a 3-year degree in the United Kingdom. IPAG has chosen to base its BBA program on the United Kingdom model. This program is recommended for those who are considering a career abroad...
Contact Schools Directly - Compare multiple Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA) in Vietnam for 2025
A Bachelor's program that prepares you for operational management with an innovative pedagogy that combines fundamental courses, group work, and internships in an international environment. Read more Featured ESSEC Business School ESSEC Global BBA Bachelor of Business Administration Cergy, France Paris, ...
Bachelor of Business Administration Dual Degree - Asia University Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Nantun District, Taiwan + 1 more BBA Full time 8 semesters On-Campus Accredited through MNCEA (The Mongolian National Council for Education Accreditation), ACBSP (The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and ...
Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing Dahlonega, USA Gainesville, USA If you want to use your creative and analytical skills in order to seek and satisfy the needs of consumers, then the marketing major is for you. With the advent of the information explosion, newer analytical and tec...
Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Hospitality Management from AIHM combines exemplary Swiss education with a global mindset and an international outlook to prepare you for a thriving career in hospitality, international tourism and related entrepreneurial ventures. ...
There is an increasing need for qualified nonprofit professionals to effectively manage the business and financial affairs of charitable and humanitarian organizations. Read more Popular Management Studies Leadership degree types CoursesMasters in Business AdministrationMaster DegreesDiplomasMasters of ScienceMaster...
Find the best fit for you - Compare 4 Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA) Degrees in Marketing Studies Marketing Marketing and Sales in North America for 2025
Bachelors Business Administration ATLANTIC INTERNACIONAL UNIVERSITYMaximiliano Camacho Morales