Bachelor of Medical Imaging ⌚️⌚️课程时长: 4年 ⏳⏳开学时间:每年2月 学费:41,200 澳元/年 入学要求:高中毕业生或本科在读/毕业生均可申请注意:课程名额有限,竞争激烈,建议提前申请 语言要求:雅思4个7或PTE 4个65 ✨✨临床实习: ...
This is the only honour's degree of its kind in South Australia, preparing you for a rewarding career in the highly specialised field of medical imaging. Start your unstoppable career as a professional diagnostic radiographer, responsible for producing high... Read more Admission ...
找学校 查专业 看攻略 英国 澳洲 美国 日本 新西兰 新加坡 测测专业申请成功率 Bachelor of Health Science (Medical Imaging) 健康科学(医学成像) 学位类型:Bachelor Degree 专业方向:医药学 所属学校:Unitec Institute of Technology(UNITEC理工学院) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 加载中 查看该专业官方网址 ...
课程名称: Bachelor of Health Science (Medical Imaging)课程级别:学士学位/Bachelor's Degree(7级)课程代码:学费:$22,056 NZD Per Year 学分:开学时间:25-February-2019申请截止:授课校区:Waitakere Campus课程信息:Course details Summary Interested in becoming a health professional with a career in medical ...
理学本科-医学物理科学与影像技术学专业 Bachelor of Science in Medical Physics and Imaging Technology 奥克兰大学建于1883年,是新西兰综合排名第一的大学,也是新西兰最大的一所从事教学和研究的大学,并且是拥有最多专业的综合性大学。被誉为新西兰的“国宝级”大学,也是南半球顶尖大学中实力最强认可度最高的...
qtcppviewerdicomqt5medicalmedical-imagingcpp17vtkbachelor-thesisradiology3d2ddcmtknuclear-medicinemedical-image-processingdicom-viewer UpdatedFeb 13, 2022 C++ andygrunwald/FOM-LaTeX-Template Sponsor Star178 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions A LaTeX template for term paper, bachelor or master thesis for...
elsevierRadiographyMc Inerney, J., & Baird, M. (2016). Developing critical practitioners: A review of teaching methods in the bacheor of radiography and medical imaging. Radiography, 22, e40ee53.
BIT2002 (0.5) Marketing in the IT SectorIT行业营销 ELECTIVE1 (0.5) Art & Humanities Elective选修1-艺术与人文选修 PLT4004 (0.5) Medical Imaging and Biosensors医学成像和生物传感器 PLT4009 (0.5) Computer Vision计算机视觉 PLT4900 (0.5) Photonics Research Project光子学研究项目...
Bachelor of Physiotherapy Bachelor of Yoga & Naturopathy Science Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Tech. Bachelor of Optometry & Opthalmic Tech. Bachelor of Medical Radiology & Imaging Tech. Diploma inMedical Radiography Tech. Diploma in MedicalLaboratoryTech. ...
147. B.Sc Medical Imaging Technology (B.Sc MIT) 148. B.Sc Medical Radiological Technology 149. B.Sc Medical Technology 150. B.Sc MLT 151. B.Sc Optometry 152. B.Sc Optometry and Ophthalmic Techniques 153. B.Sc Physiology 154. Bachelor of Optometry 155. Bachelor of Physiotherapy 156. Bac...