Bachelor of Law (LLB)Martin TrouilletUniversité de CergyPontoise
昆士兰大学法律本科LLB(bachelor of law)怎么样?昆士兰大学位于澳大利亚-布里斯班,是G8院校;环太平洋大学...
Bachelor of Laws (LLB)Victoria University of WellingtonVictoria University of Wellington. Faculty of Law
BACHELOR OF LAWS (LLB) PROGRAMME GPR 411: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW1. Introduction and Course Overview2. Nomenclature and Conceptualisation of IP, Innovation and Transfer of Technology3. The development of the TRIPs Agreement4. Patent and Related Doctrines: PatentabilityProf Ben Sihanya JSD...
L3001 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (LLB(Hons))– 2015 course map (204 credit points of Law)information on the requirements
1Programme TitleLLB2Programme CodeLAWU1013JACS CodeM2004Level of StudyUndergraduate5aFinal QualificationBachelor of Laws (LLB)5bQAA FHEQ Level66aInterlawu – ver