The Bachelor of Scienceis typically the title for degrees in Sciences (Computer Science, Engineering, Health Sciences, you name it). But if you look carefully you might find some B.Sc. degrees even in Business, Nursing, Law, or Architecture. What sets this type of degree apart...
Bachelor of Philosophy AQF7 级 塔斯马尼亚大学 University of Tasmania (UTas) CRICOS Code:083379M 课程类型:Bachelor Degree 查看学校详情 2025 总学费52,536 澳币 每学年费用35,024 澳币 课程时长1.5 学年 (78 周) 概况 简介 哲学学士学位是针对具有批判性和创造性思维的优秀学生的配套学位。这些学生有志成为...
Business statistics, administration, ethics, law, and communications Financial and budget Principles of economics Risk analysis Where to study a Bachelor’s in Accounting? Some of the best countries where you can pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting are: Greece China The United Kingdo...
作者: ANU Nasution 摘要: Internally displaced people or IDP is one of the international issues that needs to be attended by the world community. As the number of the victims grows rapidly, this issue may also affect the internal security of a country. IDP cases mostly occur in Africa1 ...