22208 商业和社会(Accounting, Business and Society)-6学分 四、悉尼科技大学Bachelor of Business主修专业 Major专业(选择以下专业之一,共48学分): MAJ08437 会计学(Accounting) MAJ08981 广告和营销传播(Advertising and Marketing Communications) MAJ08997 商业分析(Business Analytics) MAJ09209 经济学(Economics) MAJ...
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) La Trobe University Bachelor of Communications and Media / Bachelor of Arts The University of Notre Dame Australia Bachelor of Animation Production University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies ...
University of South Australia (UniSA) Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of Business Administration Australian Catholic University (ACU) Bachelor of Property Economics / Bachelor of International Studies University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Browse more courses...
For example,UTSBachelorofHealthScienceinTraditional Chinese Medicine’s final year students have the option to complete [...] australiachina.com.au australiachina.com.au 例如,UTS中药健康科学学士课程毕业班学生可选择在中国中日友好医院参加为期六周的实习工作,在这家综合性医院里,学生可以接触到中西医知识...