悉尼科技大学(UTS):商业学士-Bachelor of Business-同步课程辅导及论文辅导 概述 商学学士通过在第一年进行的八门共同核心科目为学生提供所有商业领域的良好背景。它还为他们提供了通过从第二年开始的专业或扩展专业学习一个或多个感兴趣的领域的机会。该专业为他们提供了商业专业方面的深入知识。学生还可以修读子专业或...
学制:3年(全日制)/6年(非全日制) 学位概述:悉尼科技大学Bachelor of Business在商业原则方面有全面的基础,而且从第二年开始就可以灵活地进行专业学习,可以发展你的兴趣和职业目标。这门课程的与众不同之处在于它非常强调社会正义,并与行业领导者合作设计,确保相关性和影响力。你将对商业运作有深入的了解,并有能力...
UTS上海学习中心位于上海大学悉尼工商学院校园内。支持协调UTS课程管理与运营,并为学生提供各类所需的行政支持与服务。 PART 02 会议议程 (1)UTS College 重点回顾 主讲人: Tim Laurence UTS College教学院长 (2) UTS BBUS 课程介绍 主讲人: Anurag Hingorani UTS商学院本科项目课程负责人 (3) 热点问题答疑 主讲...
Electives or structured elective sequences (totalling 24 credit points) can be taken from any faculty in the University, or from another university or its equivalent, with UTS: Business approval. The Bachelor of Management (Honours) is available as an additional year to meritorious students. ...
Noun1.knight bachelor- a knight of the lowest order; could display only a pennon bachelor-at-arms,bachelor knight- originally a person of noble birth trained to arms and chivalry; today in Great Britain a person honored by the sovereign for personal merit ...
The Bachelor of Economics offers students the analytical and quantitative skills required for an in-depth understanding of key economic principles. The degree complements this knowledge with the option of majors across selected business disciplines. The course includes basic training in econom...
The Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles is an internationally recognised degree that gives students the start they need to pursue careers across all facets of the international fashion industry. The degree provides the conceptual knowledge...
OPPORTUNITY FOR A UTS BACHELOR OF BUSINESS DEGREE Students who are enrolled in the undergraduate programs at SILC are eligible to apply for a second bachelor’s degree offered by the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) at the end of their second-year study. UTS offers a Bachelor of Business...
Bachelor of Economics University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Graduate Certificate in Business Administration University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Master of Engineering Management / Master of Business Administration University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Mast...