4、Vantage One — Bachelor of Science 课程如下图所示,毕业要求:完成所有课程,成绩不低于 60% ,未来衔接项目:衔接 Vancouver campus 的 BSc 项目。 有关于申请方面,可以直接申请本科项目,在项目下方选择对应的 vantage one 项目: Bachelor of Applied Science - Vantage One Program" (for the Engineering stream...
Bachelor of Science(在 UBC 温哥华)Bachelor of Applied Science(在 UBC Okanagan 或 UBC Vancouver)...
The University of Toronto is one of the top research-intensive institutions in the world and Canada’s top centre for education, research, and knowledge development. University of British Columbia (UBC), one of the most international universities in North America, is consistently acclaimed as one...
an unmarried man.He's a confirmed bachelor (= he has no intention of ever marrying);(also adjective) a bachelor flat (= a flat suitable for one person).soltero,casadero Bachelor of ArtsBA.Bachelor of EducationBEd.Bachelor of EngineeringBE.Bachelor of Fine ArtsBFA.Bachelor of ScienceBSc. ...
The Conquest of the Microchip: Science and Business in the Silicon Age. Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England: Harvard University Press, 1988. Translated by Diane Crawford-Burkhardt. Pp. x + 200. ISBN 0-674-16296-X, £... his journals as volume 171 of its highly regarded Memoirs. The...