(并且反复折腾)的一年 曲谱参考:https://imslp.org/wiki/Cello_Suite_No.1_in_G_major%2C_BWV_1007_(Bach%2C_Johann_Sebastian) TAB谱:https://share.weiyun.com/LgQqweev 设备:吉他:LTD m-1000 单块:JHS Bonsai 箱头:Hughes & Kettner TubeMeister 20 声卡:Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 箱模:Two notes ...
Léon Boëllmann lived from 1862 until 1897. His name is known to all organists because of his brilliant Toccata for the instrument, the final movement of a Suite gothique. Born in Alsace in 1862, he served as organist at the church of St. Vincent-de-Paul in Paris from 1881 until his ...