The Bacchanal Buffet is famously known as the largest buffet in Las Vegas. It is also one of the most high-end buffets in Vegas featuring an upscale ambiance and over 500 different high-quality dishes. Named as the ‘Best Buffet’ in theUSA Today, Las Vegas Weekly, and Las Vegas Review-...
The largest buffet in Las Vegas Over 25,000 square feet to indulge on flavors from around the globe. 10 Kitchens 9 Chef-Attended Action Stations 250+ Menu Items Infinite Flavors Feast Your Eyes, First Dine in your element, in this elegant space at Caesars Palace Las Vegas hotel. The renova...
Bacchanal是80刀的brunch和Weekday Dinner Buffet。不同时间段去两者价格也会有差异哦。🦞 海鲜篇:图一至九为Wicked Spoon,十至十五位Bacchanal。Bacchanal在海鲜方面更胜一筹,品种更多,口感更鲜甜。Wicked Spoon的海鲜口味偏咸,可能不太适合爱清淡口味的食客。🍰 甜品对决:Bacchanal在甜品领域表现出色,口味和多样...
Menu Items Infinite FlavorsFeast Your Eyes, First Dine in your element, in this elegant space at Caesars Palace Las Vegas hotel. The renovated Bacchanal Buffet dining room evokes its original nature concept, with glass and stone textures woven throughout. You’ll find these new spaces reminiscent...