KawasakiS,Suzuki K,Meksem K,Kobayashi K.Fine mapping and DNA fiber FISH analysislocates the tobamovirus resistance gene L 3 of Capsicum chinense in a 400-kbregion of R-like genes cluster embedded in highly repetitive sequence
BAC DNABAC end sequencingClarias magurFISHBacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library is an important genomic resource useful in targeted marker development, positional cloning, physical mapping and a substrate for genome sequencing for better understanding the genome organization of a species. The ...
In cases where a highly reliable transfection technique for a certain cell line is established, genomic integration of prime editors may not be required for estimation of pegRNA efficiency. However, in case of hiPSC-TLR we observed that the generally efficient g+4 R20P13_dP pegRNA activated ...
Forth:Cre-CHline, the GFP coding sequence of theth:GFPBAC48was replaced with theCre-CHcassette. After we confirmed successful insertions of the cassette by PCR, the final BAC DNA was purified using NucleoBond XTra BAC kit (Machery Nagel), and correct insertions were verified by sequencing. ...
Map localization could be difficult for BACs that consist entirely of repeated elements. We therefore developed a technique where repeat junctions are used to generate unique markers. Four BAC clones from hexaploid wheat variety Chinese Spring were randomly selected and sequenced at 4- to 6-fold ...
enzyme BamH l,subjected totwicesize selections,electroe|uted andclonedintothe plndigoBAC*5 whichisderivedfrom pBeloBACll.Finally,we obtainedabout3000 cloneswithan average insertsizel10kband 12%emptyclones,which provides technique baseforfurtherconstructionoftheBAC library ofthericefieldeel, Key words:...
To our knowledge, this is the first report of 454 sequencing of selected BAC clones in mammals and re-assures the suitability of this technique for obtaining the sequence information of genes of interest in small genomics projects. The BAC end sequences described in this paper have been ...
The blood samples were subjected to the FISH methodology previously described by our group, which allows the visualization of bacterial DNA or localized bacterial RNAs within cells [11,13]. The FISH technique can be summarized as follows: The leukocyte pellet sample was fixed utilizing 4% paraforma...