we are committed to improving the financial lives of our clients through the power of Responsible Growth. We believe that our decade-long focus on Responsible Growth allows us to be a source of stability for our clients, to support local communities, and to deliver more consistent results for ...
I'm not saying it's a good rule, I'm just saying we make the math work. And so, from now on, we can basically deploy capital to to the dividend payment, a couple billion dollars a quarter, and then everything above that will go to support business growth if we have it, build a...
Risk factors associated with bacteremia with drug-resistant organisms: Review of blood culture results in emergency department of a regional hospitaldoi:10.1177/10249079231151518HOSPITAL emergency servicesBACTEREMIAELECTRONIC health recordsANTIBIOTIC overuse...
GNSCc/6+DhFIj1aLn/j7Id7PaO8DzNylUZoOYBL9+I4= cosmossdk.io/math v1.1.3-rc.1 h1:NebCNWDqb1MJRNfvxr4YY7d8FSYgkuB3L75K6xvM+Zo= cosmossdk.io/math v1.1.3-rc.1/go.mod h1:l2Gnda87F0su8a/7FEKJfFdJrM0JZRXQaohlgJeyQh0= cosmossdk.io/store v1.0.0 h1:6tnPgTpTSIskaTmw/4s...
and Dr. Klaus-Armin Nave for the Math2/Nex-Cre mouse strain. This work was supported by Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) (JPMJCR1752, JPMJCR1921, I.I., JPMJCR1656, A.Y.), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (16H06529, I.I.) and Gr...
2. Results The literature search strategy yielded 928 potential studies, of which 14 met the eligibility criteria (Figure 1) and were included in the final analysis (Table 1). The search strategy is presented in the Supplementary Annex, PRISMA 2020 checklist, and the list of excluded studies ...
An MLIR-based compiler framework bridges DSLs (domain-specific languages) to DSAs (domain-specific architectures). - buddy-mlir/examples/MLIRMath/math-rsqrt.mlir at ce466bac3af5401341c29ffc34b11f235e58546d · Meng-03/buddy-mlir
2023-03-21 14:00-15:00 地点 Room 29, Quan Zhai, BICMR 摘要 Topological string theory has (spacetime) instanton sectors, which the resurgence theory predicts to be completely controlled by the perturbative free energy via Stokes tran...
Moreover, we prove a pure math theorem related to the lower bound of the dimension of ADLV. 论坛主题报告04 报告题目 Interlacing Polynomial Methods for the Column Subset Selection Problem 报告人 徐孜立 男,吉林大学信息与计...
Later on, Fan and Jiang (Comm. Math. Phys. 223 (2001) 143–159) extended it to locally expansive Dini dynamical system. It is known that the systems they considered have the bounded distortion property (BDP), and the BDP is a key condition in the papers. We extend their results to ...