Normally people do not have alcohol in their body and their BAC would register as 0%. In most states and many countries around the world, it is illegal to drive if a person's BAC is over 0.08% (0.05% in Utah and most countries). ...
While it is illegal for any driver in Reno/Sparks to drive with a BAC of .08 or higher, the legal alcohol limits are lower for holders of commercial driver’s (CDL) licenses and drivers 21 and under: .04% for commercial license holders .02% for drivers under 21 years-old ...
The number of annual automobile fatalities involving drunk drivers has remained relatively unchanged for approximately 15 years, despite enhancements to drunk-driving laws that have attempted to reduce the number of fatalities. One such law makes it illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration ...
例句: The government has decided to give the green light to the plan. 政府已决定为这项计划开绿灯。 “闯红灯”用英语怎么说? 那你知道用英语怎么表达“闯红灯”吗?很简单,就是:Run the red light。 例句: You ran the red ligh...
Zero tolerance laws make it illegal for persons under age 21 to drink and drive. The anti-drinking messages from advocacy groups, government agencies, actors, athletes and others have made an impact and drivers age 16 to 20 have showed the greatest decrease in the fatal alcohol related crashes...
Since alcohol consumption is illegal for anyone under 21, the maximum blood alcohol content allowable for these individuals is 0%. There is an exception to the maximum BAC level, though; the state of Utah has set its maximum BAC level to 0.05%.[2] ...
The physical proximity of an illegal substance affects the issue possession. If the substance is located on the passenger floorboard, the driver is less likely to be charged; if the illegal substance is located under the passenger seat, either party could be charged. The passenger is afforded th...
"Banish" means to expel, drive away, or eliminate someone or something. It can be used in various contexts, such as physically removing a person from a place (e.g., banishing an illegal immigrant from the country), mentally getting rid of unpleasant thoughts or feelings (e.g., banishing...
The time to (38) disagreement is during committee discussion or with the president privately. Publicly, an administrator is expected to support the president (39) the company has become involved in an illegal activity. Americans consider this public support (40) form of professional beh...
1.This building which has a long history can date back to the Ming Dynasty. 这座有着悠久历史的建筑可以追溯到明朝。 2.In ancient times, the fast way to travel was to ride a horse or carriage. 在古代,最快的旅行方式...