Yang ZN, Mirkov TE (2000) Isolation of large terminal sequences of BAC inserts based on double restriction enzyme digestion followed by anchored PCR. Genome 43:412-415Yang Z N,Mirkow T E. Isolation of large terminal sequences of BAC inserts based on double-restriction enzyme digestion ...
Préparez et révisez les examens du Brevet au Bac avec Annabac. Consultez les annales, fiches de cours, corrigés, cours audio et vidéo de la 3e à la Terminale.
Recently, we found that a recombinant protein based on the 19 kDa C-terminal region of the Plasmodium vivax Merozoite Surface Protein 1 (PvMSP1 19 ) was recognized by a large proportion of individuals naturally infected. The present study was designed to determine the prevalence of antibody to ...
A fume hood exhaust terminal for controlling gas flow in an exhaust duct has an electrically powered ultrasonic motor driven actuator for angularly positioning a damper in the terminal. The circuitry of the terminal includes a power failure detection circuit which includes the capability of storing ...
INSULATION DISPLACEMENT CONTACT TERMINAL 专利名称:INSULATION DISPLACEMENT CONTACT TERMINAL 发明人:IMAI YUJIRO,今井 裕次郎 申请号:JP特願2001-116923(P2001-116923)申请日:20010416 公开号:JP特開2002-313448(P2002-313448A)A 公开日:20021025 专利内容由知识产权出版社提供 专利附图:摘要:PROBLEM TO BE ...
Handy terminal 专利名称:Handy terminal 发明人:浦田 春茂 申请号:JP実願平5-1746 申请日:19930127 公开号:JP実開平6-59935U 公开日:19940819 专利内容由知识产权出版社提供 专利附图:摘要:(57)< Abstract > < Objective > handeitami which to the central processing unit information is communicatedIn...
楼上的答案是对的,只是没和大家说明白! 要学会换位思考,入乡随俗。 试问10进制中怎么计算个位数?
A wireless communication system includes a terminal station and a plurality of base stations. The terminal station includes a received power measuring unit that measures a power of radio signals transmitted from the base stations, and a combined signal selector that selects a combined signal used ...
1、select pid from tbl_order o JOIN tbl_user u on o.userid=u.userid where City = '上海市...
CHAT SYSTEM, TERMINAL UNIT THEREFOR, CHAT SERVER A 专利名称:CHAT SYSTEM, TERMINAL UNIT THEREFOR,CHAT SERVER AND PROGRAM 发明人:KUSUDA MICHIYOSHI,楠田 理佳 申请号:JP特願2001-339944(P2001-339944)申请日:20011105 公开号:JP特開2003-150527(P2003-150527A)A 公开日:20030523 专利内容由知识产权...