And while we believe some of these statistics are best-in-class, rest assured, there are plenty of opportunities for further growth in our franchise and our company. As we think about our Global Wealth team led by Eric Schimpf, Lindsay Hans, and Katy Knox, that team added 7,300 net new...
Most states also define low levels for drivers of commercial vehicles and school buses. Why the BAC Result isn’t Always Enough Even a small amount of alcohol affects the driving abilities of most drivers. Therefore, you may be an unsafe driver even if your BAC is below legal limits. It i...
difficile infection (CDI), development of multi-drug resistant organisms (MDRO), and all-cause death using Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel statistics. RESULTS. After initial screening, 1586 patients met inclusion criteria; of these, 411 and 426 patients were included in final pre- and post-intervention ...
Mosaicism with Repeat Frameshift (MORF) allows a single Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) transgene to direct sparse labeling of genetically-defined neuronal populations in mice. The BAC transgene drives cell-type-specific transcription of an out-of-frame mononucleotide repeat that is placed between...
“no organism detected” FA-BCID result, all of which are off-panel strains, as follows; 6Bacillusspp., 2Bacteroides fragilis, 2Corynebacterium striatum, 2Vibrio vulnificus, 2Yersinia Enterocolitica, 1Campylobactersp., 1Citrobacter freundii, and 1Clostridium perfringens. The sensitivity of the FA-...
Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further detailshere. Article Metrics Article Access Statistics For more information on the journal statistics, clickhere. Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted as one view....
"statistics": "sona", "brokenredirects-edit": "o ante", "brokenredirects-delete": "o weka", "withoutinterwiki-submit": "o suli", "lonelypages": "lipu ni li jo ala e lipu sama", "prefixindex-submit": "o suli", "newpages": "lipu sin", "newpages-submit": "o suli"...
"Iniwan seni-doro", "randomredirect-nopages": "Da ben no stirpeprewoysi ini disi nenpreki.", "statistics": "Den statistiek", "statistics-header-users": "Masyininfrumasi", "doubleredirects": "Seni doro tu leisi", "doubleredirectstext": "Disi rei abi peprewoysi dy stir na tr...
thereby we provided statistics on the application frequency of urban green-land's evaluation index system in the literatures.Research result indicates that such indexes as green coverage ratio,per capita public greenbelt area,green area ratio,vegetation quantity,Three-dimension green quantity,the ...
As a late mover of aid-for-trade programs, China offered a relatively small amount of aid for trade,8for which statistics are lacking. China’s aid for trade is not found to have significantly boosted recipient countries’ e...