Baby, you are gonna miss that plane. 看到最后半小时,脑海里忽然闪过Sam常年维持的豆瓣签名:You are gonna miss that plane。 于是当Julia Delpy扭着胯模仿着黑人的慵懒又怀着满心期许说出这句的时候,我会心一笑。 然后Ethan Hawke说,I know。 屏幕暗下一秒,剧终。 就结束了,just like that. 我真是没有...
当JD说”Baby, you are gonna miss…that…plane.”EH笑着说” I know.”的时候,影片又到了尾声,又一个开放式的结局,可是这个结局感觉处理非常好,有一种美好的导向,比起第一部,你会紧张他们究竟有没有按时赴约的担心要明确的多。 我从来没有想过如果重新遇上9年前自己曾经深深喜欢过的人,会是怎样?现在算...
“Baby you're gonna miss that plane.”“I know.” 分享单曲 (@网易云音乐)
Celine:“ Baby, you are gonna miss that plane.” Jesse: “I know.”
baby, you're gonna miss that plane Eufonia专辑:Before Sunset流派:流行 立即播放 收藏 分享 下载歌曲 作曲:Edward Thomas 暂无歌词 同歌手歌曲 Walking through these streets I know too wellEufonia I need whispers that make me moveEufonia I'll be your candle, burn me upside downEufonia I ...
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Airplanes • Apache (Jump On It) • Are You Gonna Go My Way • Baby Don’t Stop Now • Baby One More Time • Baby Zouk • Barbra Streisand • Beautiful Liar • Boogie Wonderland • Boom • California Gurls • Crazy Little Thing Called Love • Da Funk • Dance Al...
Stewie Griffin:Pipe down Lois. Hey big man, turn around. Oh you can't hear me now. I was going to watch the movie, but forget it. For the next 5 hours, you're my bitch. Stewie Griffin:[furiously kicks the seat in front of him]Wah wah wah my ears are popping and there's no...
wall sushi bar a try, but boy am i glad we did just shy of the midpoint of my final term in london rather than on the day just before i board the plane home for and say sayonara to london for good (are you feelin’ them #finalyearfeels that i have been plagued with of late?)...