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Kim Schaf, M.A.T, is a baby, toddler and child sleep consultant based in Chicago who gives parents the exact steps to get their child to fall asleep easily, sleep through the night and take longer naps. She founded Sleep Training Solutions in 2011 and
Various sleep training methods aim to help babies learn to self-soothe. This means if they wake at night, they can fall back to sleep on their own. It helps the baby, as well as parents, get more sleep and feel more rested, which is beneficial for the whole family. How long does sl...
With personalized sleep learning for babies, toddlers and adults, you can help baby get the best sleep possible. All backed by science!
Learn all about sleep training baby with our blog posts about sleep training methods, how to do sleep training for naps, night-weaning, and more!
methodrefers to allowing a specified amount of time (usually fairly short) for the baby to cry before offering some form of comfort. It stems from the idea that at least some crying is an inevitable part of sleep training, and that trying to fight it will not actually help sleep train a...
When to start sleep training Experts recommend beginning sleep training when babies are 4 to6 months old. This age range is the sweet spot, since babies are old enough to physically make it for six to eight hours overnight without needing to eat but aren’t quite at the point where the ...
Little one not sleeping? We can help! Restoring peace, sleep and harmony to families near and far with kiddos who struggle with sleep! At Tranquil Beginnings we change parents' lives, by teaching their child to sleep through the night, so they can too, s
You’re probably wondering “What is sleep training?” Sleep training involves tuning a number of factors that work together to help foster healthy sleep habits for your baby. These factors include, but are not limited to: Respecting your baby’s need to sleep (flexible bedtimes) ...
Sleep training means teaching your infant to fall asleep without your help. If you successfully train your baby to sleep, you get to put them down for bed when they are fully awake and watch them drift off without rocking, cuddling, or nursing them. Sounds great, right?