Visualizing the size of your baby during pregnancy is difficult when all you can see is a growing belly. Babysizer is a pregnancy and baby tracker that makes each week fun, by comparing the size of your developing baby to things you know — Likea rainbow sprinklein week 6 of pregnancy,a...
As your baby grows, you’rebuilding a connection—in what you say, what you eat, and the little reactions you feel. Studies have shown that bonding with your baby during pregnancy can motivate you to make healthy choices and even ease you into the role of parenthood. You may be feeling e...
Your baby is about the size of a mini watermelon length 19.41 inches head to toe weight 7.13 pounds Pregnancy symptoms during week 38 Swollen ankles Someswellingin your feet and ankles is normal during these last weeks, but call your doctor or midwife without delay if you notice excessive or...
Trying to figure out the gender of your baby is fun, but gender-specific pregnancy symptoms are mostly myths. There is no scientific proof to them. The most reliable way to determine the sex of your little one prior to birth is during an ultrasound, usually performed by week 20, or throu...
You have entered the second trimester of pregnancy. Being sixteen weeks pregnant is an exciting period of life. At the onset of the 16th week of pregnancy, your body will expand and change in terms of size as well as functionality. This is yet another exciting part of your pregnancy, as ...
During pregnancy, the lining of your uterus thickens its blood vessels enlarge to provide nourishment to the fetus. As pregnancy progresses, your uterus expands to make room for the growing baby. By the time your baby is born, your uterus will have expanded to many times its normal size. ...
Your baby is about the size of a fig length 1.61 inches head to bottom weight 1.59 ounces Pregnancy symptoms during week 11 Constipation and gas Constipation, gas, and bloating are all common during pregnancy due partly to hormonal changes, which can slow digestion. To keep things moving, sip...
vaccineduring your third trimester. This vaccine will protect the baby from many diseases until they can be vaccinated later in life. At last, you need to enjoy every moment of your pregnancy. Go out for dinner or lunch or spend time with your partner. You can also go on a walk with ...
Having a baby changes the body, mind, and soul, so anystressrelief can be healthy for both you and your partner. While you are engaging in sex during pregnancy, though, can sperm affect mother or baby? Many believe sperm can help with symptoms of pregnancy and prevent conditions likepreecla...
During week 11, your little one might double in size to 2 inches. She's the size of a strawberry, and her teeth, intestines, and genitals are forming. By the end of your first trimester, your baby is almost as big as a 2 and 1/2-inch bulb of garlic. Her profile, complete with...