If you want, you can buy somebaby shower prizesand number them, and then number the pacifiers, too. This baby shower game idea doubles as a gift, as you can carefully wash and sterilize the pacifiers, place them in a box with a ribbon, and give it to the parent(s)-to-be. 3. Fi...
The winner will sign the tag. I also boughtshower favorsfor the guests to take home, so they will leave with a shower memento. What Are Some Clever Diaper Raffle Prizes? image source Diaper raffle prizes should be a little fancier than regular baby shower game prizes, because the guest bro...
you can never go wrong with store vouchers or gift cards. Always good for the people you don’t know what to get and these would be good idea for a coed baby shower game prizes as you don’t need to have a theme going on for them and...
Gift cards and treats are always popular baby shower game prizes. If the parents-to-be and guests are part of a more specific group, such as gamers or sports fans, you can tailor the gifts to match their interests. For an extra touch, place game prizes ingift bagsfor lucky winners to ...
Alcohol Game Prizes For Adults Alcoholic gifts may not be “appropriate” for every baby shower. This will depend on whether mom-to-be is okay with it, and who has been invited. It may not work for a shower where grandmas, aunts, and moms are invited, but it may be perfect if mom...
“If you want, you can also buy some baby shower prizes and number them, and then number the pacifiers too,” Mahoney says. Blind Diaper Changing Challenge Put the skills of your crew to the test in this fast-paced baby shower diaper game. What you need: Two life-size baby dolls, ...
Fun baby shower games are one of the things I most look forward to at any party. Even the allure of food and favors pale in comparison to the fun and competitions of playing a crazy game with friends. The prizes almost always go to the guest of honor but who cares; the fun is in ...
Below are some unique and creative baby shower games and prizes to help with your planning - and liven up the party! Pink "Ready to Pop" Baby Shower Games For girls click to see where you can get this game. There are a couple of ways to play this fun and easy game!
Favors and prizes! Where should you start when it comes to these two essentials of any baby shower? What is important? The theme? The price? What the guests will want? The answers are really hard to come by because, for everyone, there is a different answer. ...
Possible baby shower game prizes include a gift card or headphones. 02 of 12 Baby Shower Bingo Bingo is one of the most beloved baby shower games—and for good reason: It engages guests in (and during) the gift-opening experience! Print out enough Bingo templates for each guest, and...