YouTube播放100亿次的英文儿歌!《BabyShark》女各版本鲨鱼宝宝来集合,孩子看得停不下来~, 视频播放量 60794、弹幕量 3、点赞数 81、投硬币枚数 12、收藏人数 129、转发人数 44, 视频作者 洛米桃花, 作者简介 ,相关视频:Run! Real Baby Shark! - Baby Shark Song - Sing
现在为大众所熟悉、令大家中毒的魔性版《Baby Shark》,由韩国教育娱乐公司碰碰狐(Pinkfong)制作,于 2016 年 6 月上线。碰碰狐还是这家公司的同名卡通形象,这是一只头顶金色皇冠的粉红色小狐狸,灵感来源于著名的《小王子》。▲ 碰碰狐是《Baby Shark》 制作公司的同名卡通形象,但现在人气远远不及后者了。事实上...
Baby Shark Dance Doo Doo Doo _ Kids Song _ Pinkfong Official for Kids 6.1万 3 01:50 App YouTube播放100亿次的英文儿歌!《BabyShark》女各版本鲨鱼宝宝来集合,孩子看得停不下来~ 35.5万 12 01:55 App 鲨鱼快跑 ! - 1.5x FASTER - Animal Songs - PINKFONG Songs for Childre 26.4万 109 04:...
The children's rhyme, created by Pinkfong (Republic of Korea) and initially uploaded to YouTube on the 17 June 2016, has garnered an incredible 7,042,967,886 views as of 2 November 2020. Baby Shark swims to the top of YouTube, officially becoming the No. 1 most-viewed YouTube...
"Baby Shark" song receives RIAA Diamond certification (11x Platinum) alongside top artists likeEd Sheeranand Lady Gaga SEOUL, South Korea,Nov. 2, 2020/PRNewswire/ -- "Baby Shark Dance," the iconic music video from the kids and family entertainment brand Pinkfong, has officially become the mos...
Shark Baby Shark is a very popular song video for children. It is recorded 1 South Korean company Pinkfong, and it has become the most-watched video ever on YouTube.The _ 2 _ has now been played 7.04 billion times, which overtook(超过) the record holder Despacito, a song by the 3 Lu...
2. Listen to various versions of Baby Shark! - Watch YouTube's most popular song "Baby Shark" in different versions : Halloween, Christmas, ABC, and more. - Watch one of Pinkfong's best toy shows - "A Terrifying Hide and Seek with Baby Shark" - for free!
2.Baby Shark, a children's rhyme recorded by South Korean company Pinkfong, has become the most-watched video ever on YouTube.Played back-to-back, that would mean Baby Shark has been played continuously for 30,187 years. Pi nkfong has made about $5.2m from YouTube streams alone. It to...
Baby Shark, the infuriatingly catchy children s rhyme recorded by South Korean company Pinkfong, has become the most-watched video ever on YouTube. 韩国碰碰狐公司录制的超洗脑儿童歌曲《宝贝鲨鱼》成为油管有史以来浏览量最高的视频。 而Baby...
鲨鱼手指家族 英文儿歌Shark Finger Family - Sing Along with Baby Shark - Pinkfong 14万 8 2:23 App 【20191007版】BABY SHARK & Ocean PLASTIC! baby shark do do shark 少儿英语 英文儿歌 93万 53 3:33 App Yes Yes Vegetables Song 35.5万 66 5:53 App 『儿歌神曲Baby Shark多版本合辑』 一起来...