She is a powerhouse in the role, and the response to Baby Reindeer has left her feeling overwhelmed and humbled. “It really means a lot to me that people are not afraid of the conversations that this show explores,” she says. Nava recently sat down to discuss navigating other people’s...
内容提示: 本集内容包含性暴♥力♥描述 也许会令一些观众感到不适 六个月 Six months. 我过了六个月才举报玛莎 It had taken me six months to report Martha. 需要帮忙吗? Can I help you? 我应该从昨天 I should have started with Teri, 玛莎攻击泰瑞的事说起 但我没有 how Martha ...
-Howso?-Oh,lotsofways,really. 我会沉迷在网上查找所有关于情敌的信息 IfindmyselfgettinglostontheInternettryingtofindouteverythingaboutthem. 不过别担心小驯鹿我知道你是单身 Butdontworry,reindeer.Iknowyouresingle. 你不会在追求我的同时还跟一个妖艳贱hearts;货hearts;纠缠不清 ...
Richard Gadd ‘Never Really Lost Faith’ That ‘Baby Reindeer’ Would Succeed The Emmy-nominated creator and star of the unexpectedly massive Netflix hit talks to IndieWire about seeing reactions to the show "transmutating," and the responses to it that carry him through controversy. By Marcus ...
Baby Reindeer《驯鹿宝贝(2024)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 这就是性侵给人留下的印记 That'swhatabusedoestoyou,youknow? 它把我变成了一块吸引生活中各种怪胎的磁石 Itmademethisstickingplasterforalloflife'sweirdos. 一个血淋淋的伤口任他们嗅闻 ...
Baby Reindeer《驯鹿宝贝(2024)》第一季第三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx ?怦怦、怦怦、怦怦我斤见了小驯鹿我听见了 从我的iPhone发送 我在脸书上屏蔽了玛莎然后跟酒吧请了一段时间的假 IblockedMarthaonFacebookandthentooksometimeofffromthepub. 也许是内心抱有一丝侥幸 ...
- How so? - Oh, lots of ways, really. 我会沉迷在网上 查找所有关于情敌的信息 I find myself getting lost on the Internet trying to find out everything about them. 不过别担心 小驯鹿 我知道你是单身 But don't worry, reindeer. I know you're single. ...
Baby Reindeer《驯鹿宝贝(2024)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx ?-需要帮忙吗?-对 -CanIhelpyou?-Uh,yeah.Um... 我想报案流程是怎样的? Iwouldliketoreportsomething.Howdoesitwork? 你想报什么案? Whatwouldyouliketoreport? 我不知道该怎么跟你说但我被人跟踪了 ...
I’m glad "Baby Reindeer" showed the honest complexities of sexual abuse because it is important to keep sending the message to survivors that, in the midst of the trauma, in no way did they want it, like it, or encourage it, because it was coercive and, therefore, nonconsen...
Richard Gadd's 'Baby Reindeer' provides Netflix its second Emmy win of 2024 for Best Limited or Anthology Series.