Find information from BabyCenter on pregnancy, children's health, parenting & more, including expert advice & weekly newsletters that detail your child's…
Find information from BabyCenter on pregnancy, children's health, parenting & more, including expert advice & weekly newsletters that detail your child's…
If a c-section is planned, it will usually be scheduled at 39 weeks. To make sure your baby hasn't changed position in the meantime, you'll have an ultrasound at the hospital to confirm their position just before the surgery. If you go into labor or your water will breaks before your...
29weeks pregnant 30weeks pregnant 31weeks pregnant 32weeks pregnant 33weeks pregnant 34weeks pregnant 35weeks pregnant 36weeks pregnant 37weeks pregnant 38weeks pregnant 39weeks pregnant 40weeks pregnant 41weeks pregnant Track your pregnancy on our free #1 pregnancy & baby appPopula...
Find information from BabyCenter on pregnancy, children's health, parenting & more, including expert advice & weekly newsletters that detail your child's…
At 38 weeks, your baby may be in a head-down position in preparation for the trip through the birth canal. Get ready for your birth experience by selecting your labor partner, being aware of the signs of labor, and knowing when to go to the hospital. ...
Is There a Best Sex Position to Get Pregnant? Here Are 8 to Try If you’re searching for the best sex positions for getting pregnant ASAP, look no further. We’ve got all the info you need (instructions included). Sex Ed for Baby Making ...
Find information from BabyCenter on pregnancy, children's health, parenting & more, including expert advice & weekly newsletters that detail your child's…
baby to your side at the same level as your waist and support their back with your arm. Tilt their head up toward your breast. Try this position if you've had a C-section, if you have large breasts, or if you've given birth to twins and want to feed both babies at the same ...
As a general rule, it’s good to start ticking off some of the essentials when you reach the second trimester, that way if your baby was to arrive early, you have at least the bare essentials to allow you to bring them home safely. Most babies arrive between 37 and 41 weeks of pregn...