During the many months that your baby grows in the womb, they'll take in nutrients and expel wastes. But in most cases, thiswaste is not in the form of feces. When your baby poops for the first time, they emit a waste called meconium. This usually happens after birth — sometimes al...
"Meconium is a mix of stuff that's built up in your baby's bowel while they've been in your womb," says Dr Philippa. "It's mainly residues of amniotic fluid, mucus, bile, and skin cells. It is really thick and sticky – so sticky, in fact, that it can be difficult to wipe ...
Find information from BabyCenter on pregnancy, children's health, parenting & more, including expert advice & weekly newsletters that detail your child's…
Stuffy nose during pregnancy Reviewed by Rebecca Yee, M.D., ob-gyn Is it normal for my baby to have hiccups in the womb? Reviewed by Layan Alrahmani, M.D., ob-gyn, MFM What is pregnancy brain? Reviewed by Layan Alrahmani, M.D., ob-gyn, MFM Cramping during pregnancy Reviewed by...
Green:A baby's first poop is called meconium. It's dark blackish green and very sticky, and it's made from ingesting lanugo (the hair that covers their body in the womb),amniotic fluid, mucus, and bile. Green poop can also be caused by other normal factors, and it's usually not ...
Find information from BabyCenter on pregnancy, children's health, parenting & more, including expert advice & weekly newsletters that detail your child's…
Find information from BabyCenter on pregnancy, children's health, parenting & more, including expert advice & weekly newsletters that detail your child's…
The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is almost over: 70 baby deals still in stock, starting at $19 By Erika Reals See all Latest on BabyCenter Why is it okay to take baby aspirin but not regular aspirin during pregnancy? By Rebekah Wahlberg Tiny seed to giant watermelon: How big your baby is...
Find information from BabyCenter on pregnancy, children's health, parenting & more, including expert advice & weekly newsletters that detail your child's…
Your baby’s first poops after birth will resemble black tar and will contain particles they swallowed along with amniotic fluid inside the womb. It’s common to find mucus in baby poop at this stage and as it takes on a more regular brownish look. However, there are few possible differen...