Cheetah,come!”“No,Jane,noeat.” Evenadultsgetprimitivewhenwe’reupset.That’swhywesaythat someonewhogotreallymad“wentape!”Strongfeelings,likefearand anger,makeusdropdownanemotionalelevator.Andthemoreupset weget,themoreprimitivewebecome:Ding!Goingdown! Well,thesamethinghappenstotoddlers.Excepttheleft...
Cheetah Chelsea Aug 10 Chelsea Chelsey Chelsi Chelsie Chelsta Chene Cheri Cheron Cheryl Chesnee Chesney Chesni Chessa Chester Cheston Chet Chevelle Chevki Chevy Chey Cheyann Cheyanne Cheyenna Cheyenne Cheylyn Cheyo Chiara Chichi Chick Chief Chiemi Chiky Chio Chip Chiron Chisum Chiyo Chizara Chlea Ch...
Simpson celebrated her daughter's 1st birthday in style with some cheetah-print balloons. The mom of threewrote a sweet messageto her 1-year-old on Instagram: "Happy 1st Birthday my angel Birdie Mae! You have created in me a healing purposeful life to live most fully and love most deeply...