Mike Mozart // Flickr 1987: Chiquita frozen juice bars Chiquita monkeyed around with parlaying its popular fruit—bananas—into frozen juice bars. The company went so far as to invest $30 million in the project, which was quickly shelved. You may also like: American history from the year ...
1987: Chiquita frozen juice bars Mike Mozart // Flickr 1987: Chiquita frozen juice bars Chiquita monkeyed around withparlaying its popular fruit—bananas—into frozen juice bars. The company went so far as to invest $30 million in the project, which was quickly shelved. You may also like:Am...
1987: Chiquita frozen juice bars Mike Mozart // Flickr 1987: Chiquita frozen juice bars Chiquita monkeyed around withparlaying its popular fruit—bananas—into frozen juice bars. The company went so far as to invest $30 million in the project, which was quickly shelved. You may also like:Am...
using magnetic tape to capture the images on their screens. From there, Sony wasable to develop the first at-home VCRs in the ’70s, and Ginsberg’s invention enjoyed wild success up through the turn of the century. DVD and streaming have since ...