Braxton Hicks contractionsare common during a healthy pregnancy and may intensify as you approach the finish line. They won’t cause you to go into labor, but it’s your body rehearsing for its big moment. What do Braxton Hicks contractions feel like? These contractions, often called “false ...
your baby is also getting ready to meet you. Moving around a lot during labor may be their way of getting into a good position for delivery. This is almost always a good sign, as it shows that your baby is strong, active, and ready to meet you. ...
You may find movement comforting, too. Try walking around or rocking in a chair or on a birthing ball. Moving around can make you feel more in control, which may ease your anxiety and pain. And a meta-analysis of studies looking at positioning and movement during the first stage of labor...
Walking: Being upright and moving can work with gravity to help your baby settle in. Squats: These may widen your pelvis so that your baby can become engaged there. Do squats while holding onto a sturdy chair since your balance may be a bit off. Pelvic opening exercise: Sit with your le...
A new California law will make baby food manufacturers tell parents a lot more about their heavy metal content Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist How to avoid heavy metals in your baby's food Reviewed by Erin Hinga, M.S., R.D., registered dietitian ...
Does baby kick during contractions? Fetal movement also can trigger Braxton Hicks. Women often say they felt a sharp kick from the baby or a lot of activity right before contractions started. Your activity alsocan trigger contractions. Why the baby moves a lot in the belly?
I thought about this question a lot before my consultation, which happened to be during the time I purposely chose to take a break from fertility treatment. I needed the break for my physical and emotional health. I was tired of dealing with the ups and downs of the hormonal medication as...
From what foods to avoid during pregnancy to what contractions really feel like pregnancy is a time of inquisitiveness. But did you know that one of the most commonly asked questions is "What is my unborn baby's size this week?" It's true. Almost every expectant parent wants to know how...
Pregnancy brings a lot of changes to your body. If you live an organic life, here are some helpful first trimester tips from a crunchy mama.
Peeing a lot.Your baby is still pretty small, but your uterus is growing and it's putting pressure on yourbladder. As a result, you may feel like you have to go to the bathroom all the time. Don't stop drinking fluids -- your body needs them -- but do cut down on caffeine (whi...