Jewish HistoryJudaism 101 Learn the basics and gain confidence about Jewish holidays and traditions.Brit Milah: Jewish Traditions for Welcoming a Baby Boy The Brit Milah (or ‘bris’) is a sign of a baby boy’s covenant with G-d. Watch the video to learn about finding a mohel, what a ...
A name can be a baby’s first gift from parents. It carries echoes of the past and images of the future, and its sound is what welcomes a person into this world to become something new. However, there is nothing more difficult than choosing a name for your newborn at the beginning of...
A name can be a baby’s first gift from parents. It carries echoes of the past and images of the future, and its sound is what welcomes a person into this world to become something new. However, there is nothing more difficult than choosing a name for your newborn at the beginning of...
A name can be a baby’s first gift from parents. It carries echoes of the past and images of the future, and its sound is what welcomes a person into this world to become something new. However, there is nothing more difficult than choosing a name for your newborn at the beginning of...
A name can be a baby’s first gift from parents. It carries echoes of the past and images of the future, and its sound is what welcomes a person into this world to become something new. However, there is nothing more difficult than choosing a name for your newborn at the beginning of...
Jews often honor living relatives by naming a child after them. In addition, there are many other traditions and inspirations governing the naming of Jewish children, including using biblical names, names popular in modern Israel, and names associated with a holiday or Torah reading near the child...
A name can be a baby’s first gift from parents. It carries echoes of the past and images of the future, and its sound is what welcomes a person into this world to become something new. However, there is nothing more difficult than choosing a name for your newborn at the beginning of...
Judaism baby names are often rooted in Hebrew and have an exotic and timeless appeal. Jewish families follow specific traditions when choosing names for their children, practices that vary widely between different Jewish communities. In the Ashkenazi community of European ancestry, children are named ...
It refers to the Jordan River, which is symbolically important to Jewish and Christian traditions. Elliot For over a century, Elliot has been a popular baby name for boys. In the past decade, though, we've seen more and more girls given this name. Elliot is a Norman French surname ...
Additionally, various cultures have different naming traditions—for example, parents in the days of early Christianity were encouraged to name their children after early church figures, while in some Jewish cultures, it's taboo to name your child after a living relative. Naming trends follow a ...