In the gift exchanges, if you roll snake eyes with the dice, then you have to do what the dice game tells you to do for rolling that number. No ifs, and, or butts! For each dice roll it might mean that you get candy, it could mean that you give candy, or it could mean that ...
In the first film, ad man Scott Calvin finds himself in a new line of work when Santa Claus falls off his roof on Christmas Eve. Scott reluctantly takes up Santa’s mantle and slowly transforms into the plump, bearded Christmas figure, much to the delight of his son, Charlie. Due to h...
'So pleased with my first Diaper Clutch Bag! Made for a very special friend about to have a little girl, she was delighted with it!' - Heather at @crafted_by_heather Ultimate Diaper Clutch pattern 'Thank you Damjana for this great versatile pattern!' - Helene C. Ultimate Diaper Clutch ...
TOP TIP: babies will tug on the ribbon bits. As I wanted to make sure the pieces are secure and won't come off, I sewed each seam twice. Once the 5th fabric piece has been attached, you'll need to stitch it together with the 1st leaf, but not entirely.Leave an opening for stuffi...
I guess I got very used to just having to grab Presley, a diaper, and a few wipes before heading out for the day. Now, I have to remember the cotton pickin' diaper bag, the burp rag, the pacifier, a change of clothes for both kids, my wallet, my phone and the keys. WHEW! Got...
Baby should have at least 1 wet diaper and 1 bowel movement on day 1. Day 2 Remain in skin-to-skin contact.Expect to feed baby 8-12 times a day or more. Your colostrum is available in small amounts, just right for baby’s tiny stomach. Baby must feed frequently in order to proper...
In the midst of the sleepless nights and endless diaper changes, remember that you have been chosen by God to be the parents of this precious child. Allow His love to flow through you, nurturing and guiding your little one in the ways of righteousness. Congratulations on this incredible bless...
window seats allow you to turn to the wall for a bit more privacy if you need to soothe your kid. They also allow kids to play with the armrest without bothering your neighbors. More still, they provide a headrest or more wiggle room if your kid falls asleep on you and stretches out....
him/her if they have a tendency to climb out. If you intend to co-sleep with baby, get bed guards to prevent falls; especially when they start to roll-over. You may also want to lay thick cushions on the floor to prevent them from sustaining any injury should they fall off the bed...
1.Find out if your baby is wet or poopy — without opening their diaper — by checking their diaper's color line. 2.Make a batch of "magic laundry cleaner" to get even the nastiest stains out of baby clothes. 3.Put a command hook on the back of your baby's high chair so you're...